Prize Winning Essay of Md.Osim Aquatar

“We don’t wish to impoverish the environment any further and yet we cannot for a moment forget the grim poverty of large numbers of people...How can we speak to those who live in villages and in slums about keeping the oceans, the rivers and the air clean when their own lives are contaminated at source? The environment cannot be improved in conditions of poverty. Nor can poverty be eradicated without the use of science and technology”.
******Indira Gandhi
In Stockholm, Indira Gandhi added the above words simplifying correlation between man and environment with the dimensions of social sustainability to the measurement of economic growth without environmental harm on the eve of UN Conference on Environment and Development in 1972 at Rio-de-Janeiro.
The term environment is derived from the French word ‘Environner’which means surroundings and it is considered as a composite term for the conditions in which organisms live. From the very beginning of the works of celebrated scholars like Herodotus, Aristotle and Eratosthenes each of them were described vibrantly about the relationship between man and physical environment. According to them, the progress of many nations was fostered by the favourable physical environmental condition. The Man and Environment relationship has a long history and led to a long standing debate about the position of man in relation to nature. Ages have gone by since man first made himself quite distinct from other animals inhabiting this earth. With the advent of “fire” and “wheel”, he succeeded in understanding the meaning of knowledge and set off an unending journey of skill-acquisition for the betterment of his class.
From classical times onwards the idea that man is a product of the environment was dominant, and in the 19th Century the work of Darwin in the biological sciences, which showed that life developed under the selective actions of natural forces, seemed to confirm scientifically the positions of man as a creature adapted to his environment. At the same period social sciences showed regularities in human behaviour that marriages  rates in England ,for e.g. were affected by the price rise of corn and the conclusion was reached that man was not free ,but was ruled almost and all-round by natural and economic laws. All the constituents of the environment are depending on one another. So, all the ingredient of environment interact with one another maintain a balance in the environment in a natural way. Man, the most brilliant creature on earth and having super brain, is responsible for the change of environment by and large to fulfil his needs of food, clothing, housing, transport etc. In fact, the uncontrolled anthropogenic activity of human beings are damaging the balance and healthy environment more and more .This environmental imbalance created by human beings gives rise to various modern environmental problems like climate change ,global warming, sea level rise, melting of glaciers, ocean acidification, green house gases, ozone layer depletion, El-Nino effects etc.
Man, who did not have the idea of an advanced human society, was referred to as “the noble savage”, because he lived in complete harmony with nature. He was noble because he was relied on nature only for what he needed for sustenance, never tried to satisfy his lust or greed .With the passage of time, he marched towards the sophisticated world. And science helped him grow his knowledge at a stunning speed in a hurry to get stronger and all the more knowledgeable he could not know the limit where he could have stopped. In the last few centuries thousands of inventions have been made, thousands of scientific milestones have been crossed. But in the process of advancement, making giant strides in every arena, man has lost the most valuable thing which could have pointed out the gravity of mistake that has already been committed, every effort is being made by the so-called civilized and sophisticated world to make up for the losses human greed has engendered the irreparable losses which seem to spell a doom for all life on the planet called the earth.
Man cannot be considered in isolation from his environment .Over the world; the needs of people still differ enormously. At one time the environmental problems debated in international organizations would predominantly have been those recognized by the developed countries .The need to control pollution and the desirability of conserving samples of the ecological and genetic richness and the natural beauty of the earth. Since the United Nations Conference of the Human Environment, however, it has been increasingly realized that environmental issues are also of vital concern to developing countries and that over much of the world the environmental problems are still those associated with poverty,poor housing, bad public health, malnutrition and unemployment.
Changes on the relationship between man and his physical environment depend to a large degree on changes in the organization and aims of society. If man is to escape from a situation in which much energy and resources are devoted to correcting part mistakes, his aim must be to build a society which is intrinsically compatible with its environment. The net effect of these changes, particularly during the second half of the twentieth century, was an increase in exposure to many hazards and increased potential for catastrophic losses more than 1.5 million people have died as a result of natural disasters over the past 50 years, with earthquake, floods and tsunamis by far the biggest killers.
With the development of religious concepts several religions particularly Judaism, Christianity and Islam viewed the created order as existing for human exploit .In the ‘Book of Genesis’ it is said that man was created  in the image of God and was set over nature and had authority to do much as he liked. In Genesis, Adam and Eve were told “Be fruitful and increase, fill the earth and subdue it, rule over the fish in the sea, the birds of heaven and every living thing that moves upon the earth”. In the Vedic literature mother earth is personified as the Goddess Bhumi or Prithvi. The abundant mother showers her mercy on her children. Exploitation of nature or other types are done under the pretext of God’s will (you do it Oh mother, but people say that I do it). In Buddhism, there is very strong emphasis on how we should relate to the natural world –for example, there is a prohibition on animal slaughter.
It can be easily under stood that natural forests, vegetation cleared off for “Swinden” and “Zhoom” cultivation. Mining of earth resources, high pace urbanization, network of SEZs has been built at the cost of fertile agriculture or forest lands. Inundations of millions of acres of land, villages and human settlements by dams and hydroelectric projects are glaring examples of the cost of human progress. A rough estimate indicates that out of total global productions of 7.7×107Kcal/year, man alone consumes 4.5×107Kcal/year i.e. more than half of global production is consumed only by man.
Anthropogenic pollutions of air, water and land has taken colossal dimension. Man is constantly increasing the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Comfort seeking modern humans are paving the way of O3 layer depletion through CFCs. Man is dumping industrial and urban sewage wastes into lakes, rivers, seas, oceans etc. Rachel Carlson in her famous  book ‘Silent Spring’ has written that toxic chemicals used in modern agriculture (DDT, pesticides etc.) for combating pests ,diseases and weeds plus  synthetic fertilizers are silently killing useful microbes maintaining the bio-geo-chemical cycles, useful  insects ,birds ,butterflies of the forests and fishes in the streams and lakes .
At least five activities of man may lead to global cataclysm killing all life on the earth. (i) Emission of green house gases like CO2, CH4, N2O, and CFCs by the civilized world if not reduced to 75% of current emission rate by 2030 ,there will be severe global warming ,EL-Nino effects and large scale O3 depletion. (ii) Hazardous chemicals of Agriculture and industry: More than 100,000 xenobiotic chemicals are now being used, are recalcitrant compounds .They are biomagnified and  causing threat of cancer epidemics and total extinction of birds (e.g. Vultures, Great Indian Bustard etc) ,fishes, butterflies, bees and trillions of useful soil microbes essential for geo-chemical cycles.(iii) Manmade Nuclear Arsenal: There is a cut throat competition among several countries to acquire nuclear bombs with efficient delivery system for target sites. As compared to Hiroshima type these bombs are 5 to 500 times more powerful. If 100 or more megaton bombs are exploded in different parts of the world ,whole fabrics of life-forms including man will be extinct.(iv) Anthropogenic Radioactive  Wastes: The world has seen the deadly effects of nuclear disasters in past like Chernobyl (Ukraine-1986) and Fukusima  (Japan-2010).Nuclear wastes generated in reactors are real threat to life on earth. We have accumulated 7, 50,000kg of Plutonium right now. If bombs are not made and those already existing are dismantled another 100,000 kg of Plutonium will release to the environment. What to do with these wastes? (v) Biotechnological misuse-The deliberate production of extremely powerful disease producing bacteria, viruses or fungi for biological war-fare is another great environmental threat to mankind. These super-powered pathogens when released will disseminate through air or water and can cause catastrophic epidemics to man and environment.
On the whole the environmental problems can only be solved through universal cooperation and mass awareness along with individual thinking. UNESCO’s programmes on environment and natural resource management (MAB-Man & Biosphere) aims at providing the scientific basis and trained personnel needed for solving the environmental problems.
Man is the most intelligent creature on this earth.Misuse of science and technology has become the potential terminator of mankind and other life-forms. Gaia hypothesis suggests cooperation between men of different nations for not allowing further pollution and cooperative approach for ameliorating the pollutants already accumulated. By cooperation between the nations not by competition we can avoid and prevent total annihilation of the mother earth and its offspring’s including the human beings. “Think Global and Act Local”. I can conclude the essay by remembering the lines of Edward O Wilson:
“If all mankind were to disappear, the world would regenerate back to
 the rich state of equilibrium that existed ten thousand years ago.
 If insects were to vanish, the environment would collapse into chaos.”
*****The End******


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